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The Actors Studio Audition Policy

Membership in The Actors Studio is for life and free of charge. To become a member the actor must pass both a preliminary audition and a final audition. On the West Coast the preliminary auditions are judged by a panel of three judges who are all seasoned members of the Studio. The final auditions are judged by the West Coast Executive Board and Advisory Committee Members. What follows is the audition information sheet as received from The Actors Studio West in West Hollywood:

The Actors Studio Inc.
PHONE (323) 654-7125 FAX (323) 654-8266

THE ACTORS STUDIO in West Hollywood is the West Coast branch of THE ACTORS STUDIO in New York. Neither is a school for beginners. We are a theatre workshop for professional actors, and any trained actor over 18 can apply for an audition. NO DUES OR TUITION ARE CHARGED. Actors are admitted on the basis of talent, and not the ability to pay, however, previous training is essential. Although we are not primarily a showcase workshop, over the years we have done many projects for the public, principally cast with Studio Members.

PRELIMINARY AUDITIONS are held every month, except during the Summer hiatus and holiday periods. It is necessary to pass a preliminary before going on to the FINAL AUDITIONS which are currently held two times a year.

You need to present a 5 minute scene with a partner, choosing contemporary material from the 1930s to the present. The scene can be from a play, novel, short story, etc., and should be published and not written by yourself. It can be a double audition for you and your partner, or a single audition with your partner helping you. Choose a role that you feel shows you to your best advantage, and one that is close to you in age, range and experience, and find the event or sub-text in the scene.

WHEN TO REGISTER: Due to the recent excessive demands for auditions we have had to initiate new policies for requesting a Preliminary Audition. You are now required to submit the following information: A cover letter requesting a Preliminary Audition and explaining why you would like to audition for membership, along with a photo and resume (with your phone number included) and two self addressed stamped letter size envelopes. Address your package to the Audition Committee at the address indicated above. Once we receive your information, please be aware that there is a substantial waiting period. When we get to your name we will contact you approximately 3-6 weeks ahead of time to register you for an audition.

ON THE AUDITION DAY please arrive 1/2 hour earlier than your scheduled time. The Stage Manager will put up a simple set, and any hand props you use you should bring yourself. Don't break your concentration by announcing your scene...the judges already have this information. Also pictures & resumes are not necessary. You must notify us ahead of time if you will be using any prop guns or knives in your scene or if there will be any smoking in the scene. You will be required to use the prop guns and knives that we provide.

THE RESULTS: You will be informed of the results by mail within a week after your audition. If you have passed to the FINAL AUDITIONS, you will be required to repeat the same scene.

If the judges feel you have picked the wrong material, you will get a callback to do another preliminary audition.

FINAL AUDITIONS: You will be called as soon as a date is set for the Finals, and we try to give the actors a months notice to prepare their work.

FINAL RESULTS: You will be notified by mail. If you have passed to Membership, you can then work at the Studio here or in New York.

Thank you for your interest in the Studio, and we wish one and all the very best of luck.

The Actors Studio, Inc.
8341 DeLongpre Avenue
West Hollywood, CA 90060-2601
323-654-7125   FAX 323-654-8266
Policy at the New York location may vary. I will post any variations when I receive a response from the Actors Studio in New York. In the meantime, you can write or call them at the following address:
The Actors Studio
432 West 44th Street
New York, New York 10036

"The Studio is a place where whatever problems actors have as actors can be worked on, can be solved. Among ourselves, we sometimes say this is a place where you can fall flat on your face." -- Lee Strasberg

"The Studio is the first halting place for people who have fully grasped the idea that a man's whole life consists of his own creative work, that so far as he is concerned this creative work exists only in the theatre, and that it is in the theatre alone that his life finds its full expression." -- Konstantin Stanislavsky


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